Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Shake wiggle wiggle

It's been a long time since i've posted and thats because I really have done nothing at university I am particularly proud of, that is apart from what i am about to post, obviously, which incidentally is intense so hold on tight.

I just specialized in sculpture, which I've been told is the percussion of the art world, slow steady and I guess a bit bland, I like making stuff, I like stuff, i presume stuff likes me if the world works like that.

This project was about navigation, which made me think of Richard Long who i rekon is a serious contender for most boring man in existence, go have a quick google, he stacks rocks and walks in circles and stuff. fun man. I really wanted to dig a big square out of the medows, I was told not to do this and to dig in other stuff, and as a 19 year old boy with the mind of a 4 year old, i didn't think very hard and instantly went to toast.

photo (5)

I feel cutting stuff out is important, but carefully placing the remnants is also important right? and yes i have been trying this with all sorts of food, and soup is in the pipelines, i've nearly cracked it. promise.

photo (6)

Digging holes is good.

photo (7)

photo (2)

photo (9)

yeah, pissing about in the snow and digging holes counts as art. question it? bring it up with donald Judd, however i will warn you, he is stubborn.

photo (3)

That above was my final piece, because of the snow i got to go home and leave it in college for some one else to clean up YEAAAAH. im the bad lad of the sculpture world. anyway, i have an unnatural obsession with boarders and boundaries at the moment, and i was thinking deeply about the concept of space and how we perceive it. this is obvious from a pile of sawdust on a desk, right?

photo (4)

photo (8)

I've got some nicer photos i'll sort out at a later date.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

First year work

Today we all had to set up our work for the little show in the sculpture court for tomorrow. As i expected, some work is fucking cool, the majority is shit, and some are just plain grim. I walked around it with my good pal john, we are both safe in the knowledge we have done the most minimal (and probably most annoying) pieces. but its always good to bitch at and about so here are some notable mentions that i figured are worth some attention.

pig heed

First up is what looks like a dress made out of bacon with a pigs head on. this smells sooo bad right now, but is a fucking pigs head on a fucking manikin!!! dope.

some blocks

some blocks, but the mirror makes it for sure.

floating head

i hope to god this is intentionally placed above this headless sculpture and not just there because it was the only free space. IF not, its wank. fact.


shamlessly ripping off jeff koons? always kool.


a 7 foot tall penguin being humped. amazing.


im not normally impressed by technical drawing skill, this seriously blew me away though.


i know what you are thinking, but right a girl painted these with blood.. she has only managed to do two in a month, i'll leave the rest to you to figure out. seriously grim for sure.


being a student and a vegetarian eggs are my diet and the greatest invention of all time, thus this is amazing, if not only for the chance of one of them falling and smashing all over some toffs foot.

no idea

no idea what this is about, or if it is finished, but you have to say, that chest of draws is fucking lovely.

bamboo cage

this is a bamboo cage with mirrors on each side, for some one as good looking as me, this is heaven.


personally i was stoked on these models before they were covered in hair, but now it looks like there was a bestiality bukkake party, and that image is way too funny not to love.


seriously lovely box, i wanted my work next to this so the minimalism would rebound off one another buutttt i had to find a plinth for that, and plinths are heavy soo...

buffalo bike

half bike, half bison/buffalo. shit that is half something and half something else is definitely worht the time of day.


this line of frogs was made by a french girl, amazingly when asked "why frogs?" her answer is "because im french" truely great.


this isn't actually some ones piece, but fuck i wish it was. orange squash in an iron brew bottle is so telling of our society and cultural activity... cough.


not normally into this shit either, but the branch is lovely, solid choice of stick, and the bird nest in it looks pretty solid too.


this is my piece, a fucking CD in a case. if you get thoughts about menagerie and captivity well good for you and im happy, however it prompts thoughts of "seriously, what the fuck am i doing with my life" to me. depressing.


My favorite piece by a mile. Im immature and secretly 5. the fact that dogs don't even reproduce this way and are only doing it for fun makes it even ruder and more immature and makes me laugh any time i did it. I hope i find out who did this piece so i can buy them a high 5 or something.

anyway, i hope you skimmed and looked at the pictures. i feel like i can't be too much of a dick on here about other peoples work, so next post will go back to being self deprecating yet extremely self indulgent.


Monday, 6 September 2010


I went shopping today, a massive ordeal, probably the most shopping I have ever done in one go. I came back with a medium pen, the blackest of black of course. I didn't only get that though, oh no, I went wild. I bought 3 blank sketch books and an inner tube, it took me close to 15 minutes. Anyway, one of the books is for a new project I decided to start a few weeks ago and only got round to starting today, I don't want to say too much as I know Jasper Jones lurks my blog all the time, and I bet he has more drive than me, will steal my idea then do it faster, as he is a massive shit. anyway, a little test for it in my usual sketch book.

tests of colour


Monday, 30 August 2010

burning pigs

Due to being a massive arse hole all my life, I never got round to reading many books. I just got this fabulous cutting edge piece of technology called an Ipod phone, and it forwards all my internets straight into my hand (it also lets me play golf in traffic, which is really cool). This, in a round about manner means i don't have to sit at my laptop all day and lets me have a good read. Currently I'm all over 'one flew over the cukoo's nest' and it's great, the mental imagery from some of the descriptions is rad and I kinda sort of wish I was deaf and dumb mopping the floor all day, thinking about fog and shit. Anyway, my favorite bit so far is what is depicted here;



Tuesday, 24 August 2010

blog it like its hawt

Due to the fact my last post was so weak, it depressed me far too much to visit my own blog in order to update it, hence the reason why its been so long. Anyways, since then I've done absolutely loads of stuff, completed fallout 3 again, got a mad blister on my pointing finger and even came out in some rad full body rash which is super gnar, so gnar you would not even realize. Life has been so hectic in fact, that i had to take a weekend out in order to go to Paris. All the touristy shit went down, i was underwhelmed at the Mona Lisa, shit scared on top of the scafolding tower, and sat in a park drinking the rouge stuff. Heavy chill.

To the point, While I was there I went to the Pompidou centre (shit hot), and my mind was blown with all sorts of historical radness. Personal highlights being Rachel Whitereads room 101

the replica of fountain

my new favorite picasso painting, femme assise dans un fauteuil

and Guillaume tell by Dali, which I believe to be the most technically impressive painting I have ever seen (the eggs in the bottom left absolutely kill it, shred the gnar)

finally, i was struck by a piece by Laszlo Peri called raumkonstruktion 3, which i can't find a picture of, trust me its dynomite. hopefully my sketch will suffice.


This sparked an interest in the nature of dimensions, which i think i've always been mildly interested in, honestly not in a spastic loser way, but dimensions are fairly cool (today i discovered whirlpools are really cool too, for a definitive list of what is and isn't cool, send me an email at This lead me to dick about with some brushes and some photoshops, this is what ensued.







Also, yeah I did scan a moleskine to put on my blog. Fuck I need a life, or some friends, or a girlfriend. Feel free to kick me in the shins.


Monday, 10 May 2010


my last post heavily hinted, if not directly pointing, at old work. This means that the only logical progression in my FMP (final major project) is to copy old shit and set on fire to pieces... Sooooooo here we go then.




burns unit

there are more on my flickr. please, take exception to anything abnormal in the everyday. xxx


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

ruining the past

I've been doing my final major project at college for the past 6 weeks and only have 2 left. Sadly, i got into university before we started this project so all motivation and reason to do any work was heavily removed. The result was half comit to a shit project i made up the night before the start and I am now regretting it.

I say regretting it, I'm not really, I just have 2 weeks left and have realized i probably haven't done enough work to get a pass as of yet. As a result of this, i had a flick back through some old work and thought "what can i do again, slightly differently and pretend to put some meaning behind it"

After 3 episodes of top gear and 2 series of phoenix nights, i decided to pull out the doing shit to negatives again, my old favorite eh?

The idea behind these is they are supposed to hint at graffiti and make the viewers aware of their senses, for example, my favoirte is saying "the final countdown is now playing in your head" hopefully you will now be thinking "ITS THE FINNAALLL COOUNTDOOWWWNNNN deduuleeeduuuuu"









Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Day In Day Out

I haven'r blogged for absotively years, this is down to a number of factors. Firstly, being 100% super rad, I went to manchester, and lost my charger, my mac swiftly ran out of battery and i was forced to use a dreaded PC for a monthish. this would have been fine, but i don't know the password for my blogspot and the mac has it on autosave. Secondly, I got my xbox fixed so a fast proportion of my life has been spent in VATS mode murking super mutants. Finally i saved up and bought myself an iPod touch so my internet time on real computors has been cut.

Anyway, down to buisness, we had a project recently on something, can't remember the basis of it, but I do know i was getting hella stoked on Martin Creed at the time. If you aren't farmiliar with him, prepare to hate him for being more succesful in life than you will ever be for this type of stuff ;

so yeah, he's pretty rad. anyway, without explaining too much as im tired and criminal minds is probably the raddest program on TV AND they are about to bare murk the unsub without him even having a clue here are a few photos of my little performance, trying to spread the love around the city centre of newcastle.

day to day

day to day

day to day

day to day

day to day

day to day

day to day

I had a ruddy spiffing time chaps xx
