To the point, While I was there I went to the Pompidou centre (shit hot), and my mind was blown with all sorts of historical radness. Personal highlights being Rachel Whitereads room 101
the replica of fountain
my new favorite picasso painting, femme assise dans un fauteuil
and Guillaume tell by Dali, which I believe to be the most technically impressive painting I have ever seen (the eggs in the bottom left absolutely kill it, shred the gnar)
finally, i was struck by a piece by Laszlo Peri called raumkonstruktion 3, which i can't find a picture of, trust me its dynomite. hopefully my sketch will suffice.
This sparked an interest in the nature of dimensions, which i think i've always been mildly interested in, honestly not in a spastic loser way, but dimensions are fairly cool (today i discovered whirlpools are really cool too, for a definitive list of what is and isn't cool, send me an email at This lead me to dick about with some brushes and some photoshops, this is what ensued.
Also, yeah I did scan a moleskine to put on my blog. Fuck I need a life, or some friends, or a girlfriend. Feel free to kick me in the shins.
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