First up is what looks like a dress made out of bacon with a pigs head on. this smells sooo bad right now, but is a fucking pigs head on a fucking manikin!!! dope.
some blocks, but the mirror makes it for sure.
i hope to god this is intentionally placed above this headless sculpture and not just there because it was the only free space. IF not, its wank. fact.
shamlessly ripping off jeff koons? always kool.
a 7 foot tall penguin being humped. amazing.
im not normally impressed by technical drawing skill, this seriously blew me away though.
i know what you are thinking, but right a girl painted these with blood.. she has only managed to do two in a month, i'll leave the rest to you to figure out. seriously grim for sure.
being a student and a vegetarian eggs are my diet and the greatest invention of all time, thus this is amazing, if not only for the chance of one of them falling and smashing all over some toffs foot.
no idea what this is about, or if it is finished, but you have to say, that chest of draws is fucking lovely.
this is a bamboo cage with mirrors on each side, for some one as good looking as me, this is heaven.
personally i was stoked on these models before they were covered in hair, but now it looks like there was a bestiality bukkake party, and that image is way too funny not to love.
seriously lovely box, i wanted my work next to this so the minimalism would rebound off one another buutttt i had to find a plinth for that, and plinths are heavy soo...
half bike, half bison/buffalo. shit that is half something and half something else is definitely worht the time of day.
this line of frogs was made by a french girl, amazingly when asked "why frogs?" her answer is "because im french" truely great.
this isn't actually some ones piece, but fuck i wish it was. orange squash in an iron brew bottle is so telling of our society and cultural activity... cough.
not normally into this shit either, but the branch is lovely, solid choice of stick, and the bird nest in it looks pretty solid too.
this is my piece, a fucking CD in a case. if you get thoughts about menagerie and captivity well good for you and im happy, however it prompts thoughts of "seriously, what the fuck am i doing with my life" to me. depressing.
My favorite piece by a mile. Im immature and secretly 5. the fact that dogs don't even reproduce this way and are only doing it for fun makes it even ruder and more immature and makes me laugh any time i did it. I hope i find out who did this piece so i can buy them a high 5 or something.
anyway, i hope you skimmed and looked at the pictures. i feel like i can't be too much of a dick on here about other peoples work, so next post will go back to being self deprecating yet extremely self indulgent.
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