Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Me and Mr Winslow today carried on our extensive collaborative research into the mystical dimension of political art. By now we seem to have lost all coherence and relevance towards politics in anyway and are just doing stuff that makes us laugh a little bit inside.

Sadly, I have learned over time, anything that John and I laugh at, normally isn't funny and normally doesn't provoke a response from anyone. There are 10 steel Swans/Geese next to the canal. The original plan was to put them in suits and pop party hats on them all. This created a number of original problems, first of all, each party hat we found was 30p each. I doubt you reading this are as good at maths as I am, but let me break this down for you. 

1 x hat = £0.30
10 x hat = £3.00

£3.00 is quite frankly out of order, and thats not even taking into account the suits. 10 balloons however was about £1.20 so that was much more sympathetic to our needs. 








After this we discussed the social and moral implications of catching real ducks and making them blow up balloons. Being veggies one would think we would totally oppose this, however we felt that the statement made by a bunch of ducks with balloons on totally justified the sacrifice of said few ducks. This is our duck trap.




(its not really a trap, just imagine a duck trying to jump though)


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