I've never really done much drawing before, never mind life drawing, but I really enjoyed drawing the naked people in various poses, even if it did get beyond tedious at the end. Rumor has it that life drawing is a dying subject and that most Art schools don't do it anymore, which is a shame. Everyone should have a chance to experience it, if you don't enjoy looking at a naked person for about an hour solid, you can at least amuse yourself by watching your neighbor draw everything in immaculate detail then tentatively avoid drawing a cock and balls. It's surprising how many peoples works show a very flabby man with a nice gap between his legs with an undisclosed phenomenon there.
Anyway, I doubt anyone reads that rubbish, on to the pictures.
3 line drawings of a sitting man
stick and ink (the most fun way to draw ever)
(note gap)
colour isn't my forte.
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