Friday 4 February 2011

i like things a lot

I've just got back to college after the christmas break, I obviously mean I've been here for a few weeks, however in relation to, lets say how old my nan is, its very recent. Anyway, I went to a badical lecture the other day that talked about formalism, and seeing as I just found out I'm dyslexic, and thus stimulated by visuals, I felt it time to embrace my visual stimulus and metaphorically hump the formal aspect of art with a passion, leaving the long winded thoughts and writing part to others, others that can spell words of 4 or more syllables. 

TO THE POINT, I wanted to make something minimal and stack it, and seeing as my attention span is overtly short, I immediately thought of jenga and stuck with it. I made best friends with the chap in the woodwork shop and asked him to cut about 13m of wood into 13.5cm long strips in order to make my long jenga sculpture. Im sure he loves me, and I hope I've made him appreciate the stagnance and monotonous nature of life, so I'm sure I've enriched him. 

Next week the idea is to grab a lovely tin of red dulux paint, pour it over my jenga tower, then build it upside down, the reason for this is to talk explicitly about the nature of building, the nature of stacking and the nature of materials at hand. At least, thats the justification going into my crit, really it's just because it will look like the paint has poured upwards, and I'll be able to laugh because gravity doesn't work like that and if it did, we'd all be dead HA HA HA HA HA. satire.

theres a link to the video of me making my sculpture in which you can see my arse due to my scandalous shirt. no credit is given to Nina Sannes for this.




I'll post up the pictures when i've inevitably ruined it with paint.


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